Category Archives: Think Financial

Quote for April 15, 2010

The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.

— Albert Einstein

Thank goodness for my Mary Kay tax accountant!

Blessings in abundance to ALL pink ladies today!


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Filed under Think Financial, Think Mary Kay, Think Money, Think Quotes

Mary Kay Opportunity

Don’t Fall for Work-From-Home Scams

Advice on Distinguishing Legitimate Job Opportunities From Scams


Aug. 26, 2008 —


Your e-mails about working from home continue to dominate the “Good Morning America Web Site.”  Many of you say scams are a major concern and worry about Web sites and ads that prey upon people who need to earn money from home.

For many of us, being asked to pay money to make money sounds contradictory, but this isn’t always a sign of a fraud. One example of a legitimate “pay first” opportunity is Mary Kay cosmetics. New sales agents are asked to spend $100 on a starter kit, which includes the tools and training to get going as an independent representative. In fact, many direct sales companies want prospective agents to make an investment in the company to show they’re serious about the opportunity.

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Filed under Think Business, Think Financial, Think Mary Kay, Think Money, Think Opportunity

The BIG Picture

Not many companies are more admired than Mary Kay, Inc.

      –  US Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (Texas)  

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Filed under Think Abundance, Think Art, Think Blessings, Think Business, Think Financial, Think Inspiration, Think Money, Think Pink Thoughts, Think Quotes, Think Unique Featured Article

“Would You Like…”

Most people in marketing have heard how McDonalds® added an “upsell” to every order. Right before the sale was rung up, the cashier asked if the customer would be interested in adding french fries to their order. McDonalds® made millions selling french fries using this simple technique. Yes, millions.

The upsell is a smart, skillful, and easy way to add product to any order. But here’s the interesting thing about that McDonalds® campaign.

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Filed under Think Abundance, Think Business, Think Financial, Think Inspiration

Customer service check

“It costs five times as much to attract a new customer as it does to maintain an established one. So determine to make your customer the happiest in town. If you will take care of your customers, they will take care of you.” —Mary Kay

Rate this.  There’s excellent and there’s poor.  Seems to me that there’s no inbetween when it comes to the rating of customer service.  Only two categories of choice available.  

Anything less than excellent is viewed substandard, uncaring, poor performance, rude, no excuse good enough, unfair, unacceptable, unforgiveable, and let us not forget majorly disappointing. 

A poor service check would pretty much reveal one or more of those labels of customer dissatisfaction.  Wouldn’t you agree?  Several important factors need to be realized to establish and maintain excellent customer satisfaction.

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Filed under Think Business, Think Financial, Think Money, Think Pink Thoughts

Think Pink Abundance

There’s a Pink Pig with abundance flowing from above.

We all love to take that to the bank.  I like hundred dollar bills forming in my account just like every other MK sister consultant.  The picture above gives me the visual of what I like to see resulting from my business efforts.  This is pink abundance that I will share with a new spin on thinking from a biblical standpoint.

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Filed under Think Abundance, Think Business, Think Financial, Think Money

Pink Will Work

Will Work For Money Tin Sign

How’s this for a concept?  A brillant one actually.

Now I’m not thinking about the person on the street who holds up a sign for all to read implying that he/she will work for money.  I’m not just thinking about the money either.  Rather, my thoughts lie in the first person.

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Filed under Think Abundance, Think Financial, Think Money, Think Pink Thoughts