The Goal

Dreams with Deadlines

I like this saying.  I REALLY like it.

We set goals all the time. Sometimes those goals result in less than satisfactory outcomes. Have you ever wondered why that is? One explanation is because the goals have been left open-ended. Not giving our objective a target to completion leads to unfulfilled aspirations and ambitions.

Here are five reasons that goals need deadlines.

1. Deadlines avoid procrastination. What is the first thing you think about when there is something to do? Do you try to find a way to put it off? Many people do exactly that all the time. The car is making a funny noise but it still runs so you put off getting it looked at by a mechanic. Then, one day it doesn’t run and the need is immediate. Without a deadline, the achievement of a goal can drag on forever.

2. Deadlines hold you accountable. Every goal needs a way that it can be tracked or measured. When there is a set time or due date for your goals, it’s easier to plan how you will actually achieve it. Setting several deadlines for small goals within a larger goal increases your chances of success. Also, others can help you stay on track when there is a deadline.

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Customer Service

Simply great TIP OF THE WEEK by  It came across my email, and I didn’t want it to get lost among the multitudes of messages to my inbox or files.  Informative information to refer to more than once.  Our customers deserve excellent customer service.  Building Customers for Life!

My Top 19 Customer Service Tips

by Laura A. Schmidt

1. Getting the products to the customers:

·    Have padded mailing envelopes ready at all times. The least expensive place to purchase these is on the Mary Kay Order Form – Section 2.

·    You can also get FREE Priority Mail boxes from the U.S. Post Office. They will give you a few, and then you can ask them for a form to order more. They are delivered to you FREE.

·    Save packing peanuts that you get in your product orders in gallon-sized ziplock bags. They’re easy to toss in a closet for storage, and a manageable size. You can use these to pack the Priority Mail boxes.

·    Create mailing labels with your name and address, and put them on standard-sized ‘security’ envelopes. Put them in your product orders that you mail or drop off. It’s a reminder for your customers to send a check.

·    Get the penny out of the eye to see the $. Yes, mailing it costs money. But, your time is valuable! Consider that your time is worth at least $50 per hour. One delivery that’s not-too-far-away costs so much more than mailing an expensive package. Only deliver if there is a chance to sell more products (up-sell), or layer for booking or recruiting. If she’s not going to be home, there is NO value in you being the one to drive there. Hire someone to do close deliveries, or mail it.

·    Use a spiral notebook to log the names of the people you mail products to, and the date they were mailed. That way, you’ll be able to go back and verify what was mailed, if someone doesn’t receive their order.

·    Have a ‘drop box’ in front of your house.

1.    Your family deserves the privacy

2.    Customers don’t always have the ‘chat’ time that stopping by would take

3.    You can’t afford to be interrupted when you’re on a booking or recruiting phone call.

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Dream Another Dream

To all Mary Kay consultants.  Isn’t it great to be able to Dream Another Dream in 2011!

Praise God!!


“…No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him”
(1 Corinthians 2:9, NLT)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria Osteen, Lakewood Church, Houston, Texas

What are the dreams and desires that you have for your future? Maybe you had some big dreams in the past, but things didn’t go the way you planned. So you put them aside and settled for status quo. We’ve all had disappointments and setbacks, but today is a new day, and we serve a God who makes all things new!

Let me challenge you to dig deep and dare to have a big dream for your life. I always say, when one dream dies, dream another dream. Don’t just settle for mediocrity, we serve a God who is above and beyond anything we can think of, and He wants to manifest His greatness through you. Remember, there’s nothing you can dream that God can’t do. Why don’t you ask Him to bring you the right people, the right opportunities, and the right resources? Trust that He is working behind the scenes on your behalf. Dare to believe and dare to dream another dream because He desires to do big things in and through you in this New Year!


Father in heaven, thank You for a new day to praise Your name. I dedicate myself to You fresh and anew. Lead me in the ways of my heart; help me to find that new dream, and let everything I do bring glory to You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

— Joel & Victoria Osteen


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Blessings in the NEW Mary Kay year!

A NEW Mary Kay year arrived 07/01/2010!  The transition from June 30th to July 1st passing in one day’s time.  Finish up.  Start Anew.  Move forward.   Get going.  Work your business, and reap the blessings and rewards.  Focus on new faces, on skin care.  Focus on meeting the needs of others and really care about it! Get your SHINE on, a favorite phrase from last year has entered the new year alongside me.  A simple, catchy, power-packed phrase.  Bring it own home this year MK sisters.  Do your best to make a change in not only the lives of others, but in your own life.  Many blessings to you in this wonderful New Year!


Go ahead and imagine the most wonderful, fulfilling life that you can. Jump in your mind past the current obstacles and limitations to the fulfillment of every form of richness that you know life can hold.

Dare to visualize a world in which your most treasured dreams have become true. Let your mind see every detail of your own special version of the very best that life can be.

If you could make the world exactly to your liking, consider very specifically just how that world would be. If you could spend your time doing precisely what you wish, how would the moments of your life be lived?

The more closely you get in touch with your dreams, the more able you are to make them real. The more vividly you consider how you want your world to be, the more real and effective tools you will have for making it so.

Your destiny is to fulfill those things upon which you focus most intently. So choose to keep your focus on that which is truly magnificent, beautiful, uplifting and joyful.

Your life is always moving toward something. Make it something that’s absolutely great.

— Ralph Marston

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Quote for April 15, 2010

The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.

— Albert Einstein

Thank goodness for my Mary Kay tax accountant!

Blessings in abundance to ALL pink ladies today!


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Filed under Think Financial, Think Mary Kay, Think Money, Think Quotes

What you will do

Forget about what you can’t do. Focus on what you will do.

Dream big dreams and make workable plans that will get you there. Then put those plans into action and do what you will do.

Allow the beauty and richness of your dreams to expand your concept of what you are willing to do. This is your life and you deserve to give yourself the very best.

Intensely feel the accomplishment in your imagination. Let that incomparable feeling of satisfaction push you forward.

Focus on what you will do and you’ll discover that it is more than enough. You have within you the capacity, the ability and the drive to reach whatever dreams are meaningful to you.

Every day is an opportunity for richness and fulfillment. Feel what you will do, and why, and make today the best one yet.

— Ralph Marston


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Filed under Think Dreams, Think Focus, Think Inspiration, Think Mary Kay, Think Opportunity

Happy New Year


My Happy New Year wish for you

Is for your best year yet,

A year where life is peaceful,

And what you want you get.

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Merry Christmas

I will be making a conscious effort to wish everyone

a Merry Christmas this year …

My way of saying that I am celebrating

the birth Of Jesus Christ.

So, I am asking my online buddies,

if you agree with me,

to please do the same.

And if you’ll pass this on to

your online buddies (link here), and so on…

maybe we can prevent one more

American tradition from being lost in the sea of

“Political Correctness”.

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“Did You Set the Right Goals?” by Ann Vertel

Since posting last on August 2, 2009, I have gone back through some readings and found what I feel to be the single most important reading regarding goal setting.  There is an absolute profound need to implement realistic goal setting in order to clearly see the direction of the outcome of goals.  Was the goal met or was the goal not met?  No guesswork when applying the learned coaching advice as shared by Unit Coach, Ann Vertel.  Thank you Ann for providing a crystal clear picture of being able to ask this question, “Did You Set the Right Goals?”  I am able to evaluate my goals and see real results.  Great information that I have benefited from.

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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Give Yourself a Goal


Do yourself a favor and give yourself a goal. Make it meaningful, make it exciting, make it challenging and then make it happen.

Set your goal a little bit beyond what you already know you can do. Then when you reach it you’ll not only have the achievement, you’ll also have an increased level of confidence.

As long as you’re making the effort to live this day, give it a purpose. Give yourself a goal, and transform fleeting time into lasting accomplishment.

From where you are, you can go anywhere. One by one, the goals you set will get you there.

Working steadily and persistently toward a goal will energize all aspects of your life and bring the awesome power of focus to your efforts. There’s truly no feeling quite like it.

Challenge yourself forward with a great and meaningful goal. Give yourself a goal, and make yourself some real treasure.

— Ralph Marston

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Filed under mary kay inspiration, Mary Kay think pink, Think Goal, Think Higher, Think Inspiration

Business Booming For Cosmetics

CBS reporting on February 14, 2009

Business Booming For Cosmetics

Almost every facet of the economy has been severely hampered by the recession. But, as Richard Schlesinger reports, business has been booming for many in the cosmetics industry.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “Business Booming For Cosmetics“, posted with vodpod



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Happy New Year!

Thursday, January 1, 2009
A year from now

Where will you be a year from now? Where would you most like to be?

There is so much you’ve learned and experienced on your journey to this day. Imagine what you can now do with it all.

This new year is a grand opportunity, filled with promise and possibilities. Choose now the very best of those possibilities, and know that you have the power to bring them to life.

You will spend this coming year moving in one direction or another. Commit now to making that direction the one that will take you toward what you sincerely desire.

Life in each moment is influenced by your presence and participation. As this new year unfolds, continue to make that influence a positive and fulfilling one.

Consider today where you would like to be a year from now. For now is the beginning of the year in which you can truly make it happen.

— Ralph Marston




Filed under Think New Year, Think Opportunity, Think Quotes, Think Wisdom

Be Sure!

With the KEY to…

A negative thought came to my mind.
He wore a charming smile
And I was sorely tempted to invite him in awhile. 
He said, “You’ve been misunderstood,
Mistreated and maligned.
I’ll help you cry your heart out
If you’ll let me come inside”
But, I kept my windows fastened
And my doors securely closed,
For I knew I’d be the loser
If I let him take control

For negative thoughts can multiply
And crowd the positives out
And make the mind a cesspool of anxiety and doubt.

And so I told the negative thought
I could not let him in.
He went his way, but I am sure that he’ll return again.

But no more will I greet him
With a welcome or a smile
And never will I entertain him even for a while.

I’ll fill my mind with positive thoughts and on the door install

A sign which reads, “DO NOT DISTURB”
When negative comes to call

For tho’ he knocks a thousand times
And yet, a thousand more,
He cannot dominate my mind
If I don’t open up the door.

Author Unknown

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Beauty of a Woman

“I like looking at beautiful women. We all like looking at beautiful women.” – Meredith Vieira, The View  (former View co-host), The Today Show, Who Wants To Be a Millionarie. 

Did you know that April was beautiful Women month? I didn’t.

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Mary Kay Thanksgiving Dinner


Mary Kay Thanksgiving Dinner
Mary Kay Ash’s favorite holiday and also the day she went home to be with the Lord was Thanksgiving. I am thankful for you and all that you are and will become.    My life has been enriched in many ways because of you.  Have a wonderful day and Happy Thanksgiving.
The Table…
Represents the support for the entire meal.  This is similar to unit meetings, education and the support you receive from your Sales Director and sister Consultants.
The Silverware And Utensils…
Are the tools for successfully completing the feast.   In Mary Kay, your starter kit, brochures, tapes and ideas are the tools for your success!
The Turkey…
is the main event!  Everything is built around the turkey.   In Mary Kay, this is the skin care class where everything takes place  — booking, coaching, selling and team building!  The turkey must be prepared correctly and thoroughly, and in a skin care class this is done by coaching the hostess and preprofiling the guests.
The Stuffing…
is having the right attitude and having your priorities in order  — God first, family second, and career third!
The Gravy…
is, of course, the money and financial rewards you can earn in your Mary Kay business.  The turkey must be prepared before the gravy can be made.  In other words, everything comes from the skin care class!
The Vegetables…
Represent all of the personal growth in Mary Kay.  There are a variety of personal benefits you can receive from your business.  You decide which of those benefits you would like to have.  You might not have tried some of the vegetables before, but you will love them.  They taste great!
The Cranberry Salad…
Is the tartness.  It’s the challenges that make you step out of your comfort zone.  It gives you a new perspective that makes everything taste sweeter!
The Relishes…
are the friends you meet and cherish throughout your Mary Kay career.  The variety of the relishes is plentiful!  In Mary Kay you get to choose those you want to work with!
All The Choices…
on the table represent the flexibility in Mary Kay!  You can take everything and have a great big plate, or you can pick and choose and have a little plate.  You get to be your own boss!
The Pumpkin Pie…
Is the recognition you receive when the meal is served and enjoyed!  This is the sweet taste of success for a job well done!  Praise and recognition surround you.  The sweet feeling you have about yourself after you have accomplished a goal is irreplaceable!
The Dirty Dishes…
Must be cleaned and put away for future meals.   This is the final step and it prepares you for the first step again — another delicious meal!  Adding up the sales, filling out the weekly accomplishment sheet, cleaning the mirrors and trays and putting everything away gets you ready for the next class.
The Leftovers…
are the bookings leftover from your class.  They are so easy to just heat up in the microwave.  You don’t have to do any shopping or a lot of preparation for them.  The leftovers are the BEST!
The Nap…
is long awaited and much appreciated!  Enjoy!  You deserve it!
[Thanks to Director Mary Lou Richmond of Mission, Kan.  From a 1999 memo.]



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Mary Kay Opportunity

Don’t Fall for Work-From-Home Scams

Advice on Distinguishing Legitimate Job Opportunities From Scams


Aug. 26, 2008 —


Your e-mails about working from home continue to dominate the “Good Morning America Web Site.”  Many of you say scams are a major concern and worry about Web sites and ads that prey upon people who need to earn money from home.

For many of us, being asked to pay money to make money sounds contradictory, but this isn’t always a sign of a fraud. One example of a legitimate “pay first” opportunity is Mary Kay cosmetics. New sales agents are asked to spend $100 on a starter kit, which includes the tools and training to get going as an independent representative. In fact, many direct sales companies want prospective agents to make an investment in the company to show they’re serious about the opportunity.

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Filed under Think Business, Think Financial, Think Mary Kay, Think Money, Think Opportunity

A Seed

It starts with a seed, suddenly,
new growth is in your hands!
“If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, “Move from here to there” and it will move.  Nothing will be impossible for you.”
Matthew 17:20


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The BIG Picture

Not many companies are more admired than Mary Kay, Inc.

      –  US Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (Texas)  

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Making a First Impression



We only get one chance to make a First Impression!

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D.I.S.C. – Personalities


(Career-focused, Results-oriented)
They want RESULTS

(Recognition-focused, People-oriented)

(Security-focused, Family-oriented)

(Analytically-focused, Detail-oriented)
They want DATA 

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Seasonal Sales: Halloween


What will you be for HALL-O-WEEN?

As Party Plan People, we all wear different “hats” in our businesses:
consultant, leader, salesperson, teacher –
So this season, to have a little fun, let’s do the TWIST and look at
the kind of costumes you can wear to add more
Sweet Successes and Juicy Profits to your business:


Filed under Think Business, Think Unique

David Cooper 85 second close

to Sell Sets, Book Classes, & Schedule Interviews

(In that order)

35 Second Sets Close

__________, were you as excited about how good you looked in the mirror as much as I believe you were?  You know your situation a whole lot better than I do, so it’s up to you –  I’ll work with you either way.  Would you like to splurge and have the extra touch of class that comes with our Premier Collection or would it make more sense right now to just start with our Complete collection?  Whichever you would rather do will certainly be fine with me.  [Break eye contact and allow her to respond]  Excellent choice, would you like to put it on MasterCard, Visa, or cash?  [Discuss payment plan option].

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There are women

There are women everywhere.  All kinds of women.  From every walk of life.  In every shape and size.  From every background imaginable.  To every conceivable stretch of the Corporate world and motherhood.  All age ranges.  All skin types.  Facing everyday life with challenges.  The varieties are endless.

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The Eagle Soars On Silver Wings

Work with purpose.

Insist on integrity.

Never make excuses.

Never stop learning and growing.

Enjoy your work.

Resolve to stick with it.

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The 7 UPs

Seeking HIS guidance in our journey

  The 7 UPs  


Wake Up!
Decide to have a good day.
“This is the day the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Psalms 118:24



Dress Up!
The best way to dress up is to put on a smile.  A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.
“The Lord does not look at the things man looks at.  Man looks at outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”  I Samuel 16:7



Shut Up!
Say nice things and learn to listen.  God gave us two ears and one mouth, so He must have meant for us to do twice as much listening as talking.
“He who guards his lips guards his soul.”  Proverbs 13:3



Stand Up!
… for what you believe in.  Stand for something or you will fall for anything.
“Let us not be weary in doing good; for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.  Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good … ” Galatians 6:9-10



Look Up!
… to the Lord.
“I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.”  Philippians 4:13



Reach Up!
… for something higher.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding.  In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.”  Proverbs 3:5-6



Lift Up!
… your prayers.
“Do not worry about anything; instead pray about everything.”  Philippians 4:6


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October Awareness Month



Learn more here:

Women and Cancer

American Cancer Society

The Breast Cancer Site


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Filed under Think Pink Awareness Featured Article

“Would You Like…”

Most people in marketing have heard how McDonalds® added an “upsell” to every order. Right before the sale was rung up, the cashier asked if the customer would be interested in adding french fries to their order. McDonalds® made millions selling french fries using this simple technique. Yes, millions.

The upsell is a smart, skillful, and easy way to add product to any order. But here’s the interesting thing about that McDonalds® campaign.

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Filed under Think Abundance, Think Business, Think Financial, Think Inspiration

Woman of Excellence

I am part of the Fellowship of Excellence.  I have stepped over the line.  The decision has been made.  I won’t give up, shut up, let up until I have stayed up, stored up, paid up and prayed up.  I won’t look back, let up, slow down, back away or be still.


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RUSH feedback needed!!

I am hosting an online Mary Kay Website Party and I’m inviting you to join on and have some fun.



All you need to do is go online at

starting _______________ ending __________________.

Check out what’s new, play with the virtual makeover and even upload your own picture to try the newest makeup artist looks!  You can shop for upcoming events such as Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, etc.  There’s skin care, body care, color cosmetics, gifts, men’s products and more!

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Filed under Think Abundance, Think Business, Think Money, Think Virtual

Think Affirmation

Keep on the Sunny Side of Life
An affirmation is saying “yes” to life. In doing so, it’s important to identify what you want, not what you don’t. Most people live in the wasteland of what they do not have or want; life seems bleak because they see a lack, a shortage of what they need or desire. The Law of Attraction does not understand “no,” and so if you were to say, “I do not want to be poor” the Law of Attraction would hear, “I do want to be poor.” Poor is the focus of that statement, and so it would bring you more experiences of being poor. Not what you would intend, is it?


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Customer service check

“It costs five times as much to attract a new customer as it does to maintain an established one. So determine to make your customer the happiest in town. If you will take care of your customers, they will take care of you.” —Mary Kay

Rate this.  There’s excellent and there’s poor.  Seems to me that there’s no inbetween when it comes to the rating of customer service.  Only two categories of choice available.  

Anything less than excellent is viewed substandard, uncaring, poor performance, rude, no excuse good enough, unfair, unacceptable, unforgiveable, and let us not forget majorly disappointing. 

A poor service check would pretty much reveal one or more of those labels of customer dissatisfaction.  Wouldn’t you agree?  Several important factors need to be realized to establish and maintain excellent customer satisfaction.

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The Dream Movie

Think about YOUR dreams.

Then watch the Dream Movie.  A very innovative and inspirational movie that will bring things in focus.  *click here*  (turn up your volume)

Afterwards, make it a GREAT day!  Start TODAY!!  Go for YOUR dreams!!!


PINK BIZ NOTE:  YOU can do anything you want.  Be dedicated and determined.  Don’t let anything and anyone tell you differently.  This is your life, your one and only life.  Do what others only talk about doing.  Make your dreams come true.  After all, they are YOUR dreams!!    Hugs, Pink Biz

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Be Inspired!


Do you need a lift?  Find your inspiration to start new today.  Begin a new week and a new day with goals ahead.  Be inspired to dream big and dig deep.  Reach new heights! 

Click here to view a beautiful inspirational movie (turn up your volume).  Absorb its meaning for it is speaking to you!


Be Inspired!  Think Pink!

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Value in the doing

Behind every fortune is someone who has labored long into the night to make it real.

Behind every important discovery is a person who often grew weary searching for it.

Behind the magnificent work of art is an artist who spent hour after hour, month after month toiling at tasks that were tedious and seemingly endless. Behind the beautiful, soaring music is a composer who carefully arranged each note, each pause, each crescendo into place.

Take heart. Your effort cannot help but pay off.

The fact is, your effort is the payoff. The fortune, the discovery, the work of art, and the music, as grand as they are, serve as mere tokens of the achievement.

The real achievement is in the achieving, and the real value is in the doing. Sincere, focused effort makes your life rich, even as you do it.

Make the effort and the reward is guaranteed. For the biggest reward is in the doing.

— Ralph Marston  July 21, 2008

Please continue  🙂

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Filed under Think Business, Think Inspiration, Think Pink Thoughts, Think Wisdom

My New Mary Kay Year

This is my newly acquired slogan.  Like it?  Personally, it intrigues me. 

I, like many others, often need a nudge to wrap up, finish up, or move things right along.  From the incomplete to the complete.  From the almost done to the done,  From the desk to the appropriate location in the file cabinet  (I like paper trails).  From the thought of doing the work to the action exhibited to make it a done deal.  More importantly, I wanted to adopt a slogan that would steady my pace of IPA’s (Income Producing Activities) on a daily basis.  I want to face the positives as well as the setbacks and roadblocks upfront with a positive line of thinking.  As my New Mary Kay Year has taken off, I want to ‘bust-a-move’ to make my new year goals become a reality!  It’s MY YEAR to shine!!

Does the wording, “out of the strain” bother anyone?  Does it seem to have a negative connotation in a way?  I thought so at first and then I began to think about it differently.  I felt like the intended strain of the matter was the stretching I will (am) doing on a daily basis to reach my intended goals.  Still, the word strain might be a slight odd for some to think about.  I have chosen to analogize it as the stretch to get me “into the peace of the done”. 

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Think Pink Soapbox

Have to say that I saved this cute pic from another site, and I think if my memory serves me correct it was from My Pink Truth several months back.  Anyway, I thank the site and owner for use of the pic even though I can’t remember who to even ask if I could borrow it.  Good intent here to give credit where credit is due.

I have to climb on the soapbox here, as I strongly feel the need to share my thoughts and concerns about an email I read from a sister consultant who offered up this suggestion for moving your inventory off your shelves.  The email went out across a yahoo group for MK consultants. 

Here’s how it read:

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What Can I Do?

Summer fun is HERE!  Lots of great outdoor water activities to choose from.  As well as a number of other outdoor activities.  Beach or poolside, tennis court or golf course, the sun is HOT!!  Soaking up those rays, even minimal exposure, can attribute to sun damage and skin cancer.  You may want to ask yourself, “What Can I Do?”   

Help create a level of exposure for yourself.  Take advantage of continued education surrounding the sun and your skin.  Understand the importance of knowledge preparation and precautionary applications.  Both are equally important in the defense of SUN protection.

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Filed under Think Business, Think Pink Sales

Beauty and the Beast…10 Ways to Take Care of Yourself

1.  Know the symptoms of burnout, including chronic exhaustion, sleep changes, depression, loss of concern and empathy, feelings of anger and resentment.

2.  Keep healthful, easy-to-fix meals and snacks on hand, so you can re-energize yourself with good nutrition.

3.  Know your limits and respect them.

4.  Identify the things you have control over and tackle them.  Find ways to let go of the things you can’t control.

5.  Learn to manage stress in healthful ways:  use exercise, stretching, laughter, hobbies and other positive strategies.

6.  Every workday brings triumphs and failures.  Savor the triumphs and move beyond the failures.

7.  Watch your back!  Do the necessary things to keep you well and pay attention to things that are hazardous to your health, both illness and injury hazards.

8.  Look for ways to continue growing professionally and building confidence in your skills.

9.  Make time for your family and loved ones.  When you look back on your life, those moments will be the ones you treasure.

10.  Apply to yourself the good advice you give others every day!

 Pink Biz Note:  Go the extra mile for yourself so that you’ll look extraordinarily beautiful and well-cared for as you present yourself in your Mary Kay business.  Women can tell the difference!!  Be kind to thyself sister consultants!! 



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Give Teachers a Break!

Dog Ate My Homework

A Spring Break that is!  Have a blast!

Thanks for all that you do.  Really, I appreciate each and every one of you!

Hope you enjoy this little bit of humor.  The Dog Ate My Homework.

This had the cutest song (sorry if you missed it)!

Have an awesome break everyone! Continue reading


Filed under Think Unique

On a Clear Day


We can see forever on a clear day.

Isn’t it remarkable?  The feeling we get when we can see with such clarity?

A look at the lyrics to this song will enhance the focus I’m searching for…

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Filed under Think Business, Think Inspiration, Think Pink Thoughts

Easter Celebration!



Glory to God in the Highest, Christ Jesus is alive! 

Christ is Risen!!


Easter is the religious celebration commemorating the resurrection of Christ, observed in the Christian churches today. By the first Christian, it was considered to continue the feast of the Passover, at which the paschal lamb, a symbol of Christ, was sacrificed. Hence, its name in Greek, French, and other Roman languages is taken from Hebrew “Pesach” = Passover. The English name comes from the Anglo-Saxon “Eastre” – a goddess of light or spring, whose festival was celebrated in April.

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Filed under Think Blessings, Think Inspiration

Happy St. Patrick’s Day 03/17/08

Irish Angel

An Angel Irish Blessing.  A beautiful angel, a halo of green shamrocks on her head. Holding out her gown, catching falling shamrock leaves.

The saying reads:

May you be blessed always with,

 a sunbeam to warm you,

a moonbeam to charm you,

a sheltering angel so nothing can harm you.

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Filed under Think Blessings, Think Inspiration

Beauty of the reward kind

Diamonds and Roses


It’s a natural.  It’s a passion.  Meaningful reward.  Working, achieving, being rewarded.  It’s all about beauty of the reward kind.

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Filed under Think Abundance, Think Inspiration

Awards Tribute


piano music



Thank you for your heartfelt recognition and award.  It is my desire to share, with others, this award and with a small tribute to you.  I want to say that I appreciate your kindness.  It was a complete surprise and one that I will not forget!  Many thanks again!

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Filed under Think Inspiration

Living the Dash


Living Your “Dash”

 by Rubel Shell

Everyone is writing his or her own

eulogy every day.

My friend Howard Harvey shared an e-mail he received from a friend. It was a poem. Not a piece of classic literature, mind you. But a thought-provoking several lines about living one’s “dash.” You know what your dash is. It’s that little fragment of a line between the years of someone’s birth and death. You know how it’s written in text or on grave markers: “Shirley Jane Doe (1945 — 2000).”

That tiny, nondescript dash stands for everything she ever was or did. It covers all her accomplishments and fears, all her accumulations and losses, everything that made anybody notice and care that she ever lived at all.

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Filed under Think Inspiration, Think Unique

Uplifted Heart

Uplifted heart

The invisible heart.  We know it’s there.   

We equate it with both life and love and oh yes, with giving. 

Giving of ourselves.  What a gift!  The uplifted heart of the giver!

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Filed under Think Business, Think Inspiration, Think Pink Thoughts

Think Pink Abundance

There’s a Pink Pig with abundance flowing from above.

We all love to take that to the bank.  I like hundred dollar bills forming in my account just like every other MK sister consultant.  The picture above gives me the visual of what I like to see resulting from my business efforts.  This is pink abundance that I will share with a new spin on thinking from a biblical standpoint.

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Filed under Think Abundance, Think Business, Think Financial, Think Money

Pink Will Work

Will Work For Money Tin Sign

How’s this for a concept?  A brillant one actually.

Now I’m not thinking about the person on the street who holds up a sign for all to read implying that he/she will work for money.  I’m not just thinking about the money either.  Rather, my thoughts lie in the first person.

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Filed under Think Abundance, Think Financial, Think Money, Think Pink Thoughts

Christmas Invite

Christmas Tree

I received this in an email today.  Wanted to pass this invitation along. 

Just click here..

Christmas Invitation

Blessings for He is the reason for the season.


Filed under Think Christmas

Got Attitude?

“I believe the single most significant decision I can make on a day-to-day basis is my choice of attitude. It is more important than my past, my education, my bankroll, my successes or failures, fame or pain, what other people think of me or say about me, my circumstances, or my position. Attitude keeps me going or cripples my progress. It alone fuels my fire or assaults my hope. When my attitudes are right, there is no barrier too high, no valley too deep, no dream too extreme, no challenge too great for me.”

Charles R. Swindoll

Positive Attitude, it changes everything, wouldn’t you agree?   Continue reading


Filed under Think Art, Think Business, Think Inspiration, Think Quotes